Looking for Propane? We made it simple.
Are you looking for a new residential or commercial propane or fuel provider? Look no further! We provide home heating solutions! Click the links below to fill out one of our contact forms.
What our clients say
"I wanted to send a message of thanks to Amanda McDonald and Claud from the Oakland branch. We recently purchased a home in Oakland and ran out of propane. The temperature inside the house dipped below freezing and we were panicked, uncertain how long it would take to get a propane refill. Within 12 hours, Amanda had the home's account transferred to our ownership and had a driver scheduled. She communicated with us after hours to make sure we had everything we needed. Claud, the driver, not only refilled the tank, but he also relit the pilot and stayed at the home until the furnace started up"

Freedom Show Program
This show program offers rewards along with opportunities for one-on-one farm consultations, access to equipment, and access to our show feed vendor representatives. We will continue to sell Show-Win Show Beef feed, Sunglo®, Purina®, Show-Rite®, Lindner®, Kalmbach®, Kent®and Umbarger®feed and supplements, varying by location. We try to stock as many items as we can, but it can be challenging to keep up with everyone’s feeding programs. If we don’t have something in stock or know you will be using a certain feed or product, please work with store personnel to ensure you get the product(s) you need!

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