
Winter Lighting for Chickens

Winter Lighting for Chickens

People and chickens operate on different schedules that sometimes conflict. As days shorten and the temperature drops people turn on furnaces and electric lights and sleep about as many hours as they do in summer. Not chickens. Their daily schedule is set by daylight. Lacking artificial light they settle into a long night’s sleep as soon as dusk arrives and don’t wake until tomorrow’s dawn. In high latitudes they often sleep 15 or 16 hours a night. For chickens, winter is a time for rest, not reproduction. Cold temperatures don’t reduce laying, but as fall advances, decreasing daylight causes egg...

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Holiday Pet Safety

Holiday Pet Safety

Tis the season to be jolly! It is also the season to be more diligent at keeping our pets safe and healthy over the holidays. With holiday parties, trees, tinsel, candles and presents, our pets are at a greater risk to get into trouble. Here are a few holiday safety tips to keep them safe. The tree: With pets in the house, it is safest to place the tree in the corner. This will make it easier to anchor the top of the tree so climbing cats don't knock it over. Also, use a tree stand that is one size...

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Maintaining Your Pet’s Healthy Weight

Maintaining Your Pet’s Healthy Weight

While your dog or cat's quality and length of life depend on various factors like age, disease, and breed, one often overlooked component is weight. If your cat or dog is overweight, it could potentially raise the risk of various diseases and injuries, and overall, make it harder for your pet to live a long and healthy life. Keeping your pet at a healthy weight can be difficult, but you can start implementing some best practices with these tips. Check if Your Pet is Overweight Though some fat on your pet is normal, too much could interfere with their health....

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Making Sense of Attractants

Making Sense of Attractants

Our favorite time of year is upon us: whitetail hunting season! With the arrival of hunting season we usually see the shelves of local sporting goods and feed retailers load up with “Super Deer Attractants” and the majority of your favorite outdoor personalities or TV shows become choked with the same thing… silver bullet attractants that you can’t live without! All of which claim to be nutrition packed, irresistible to deer, and better than the next. This article will help you sort through all the noise, so you can find something that may actually work for you. Nutritional claims by...

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Magic Pills for Whitetail Deer

Magic Pills for Whitetail Deer

You’ve all heard the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.” With maximizing antler size being the main concern for many whitetail deer herd managers, there is a nutritional practice that is becoming more common every day. Managers will take a complete ration and then blend or cut that ration with commodities perceived as nutritionally dense or top dresses that are often deemed as miracle pills for increasing antler size. Some pay insane amounts for rations that are simply over-priced because they believe the social media hype that your average antler size will be...

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