Speedi-Beet® Quick Soaking Sugar-Beet Flakes improve nutritional availability and provides energy through the natural process of hind gut fermentation. For the owner, it makes life easier by reducing soaking time to under 10 minutes against conventional sugar beet products, which need to be prepared up to 24 hours in advance. Sugar beet pulp is an ideal feedstuff. It is high in fiber but low in lignified material and is of great nutritional interest to the horse owner. Speedi-Beet® should be fed as a partial replacement for both forage and hard feed. Speedi-Beet® is an ideal fiber source for horses prone to laminitis. Speedi-Beet® releases nutrients the horse can use without generating large amounts of lactic acid. Speedi-Beet® in the diet can reduce the amount of hard fee and 'risky' forage sources. Imported from the UK. Comes in a 20 kg (44 lb) bag Typical analysis (%) as fed: Protein - 10.0/Oil - 0.7/Crude Fiber - 16.0/Ash - 9.0/Digestible Energy mj/kg - 12.4