When scours, malnutrition and disease threaten a calfs life, and other remedies are not enough, now theres Last Stand w/ImmWave. ImmWave is a novel technology containing select milk proteins designed to give an immediate boost to the calfs immune system enabling a critically ill calf to battle life-threatening pathogens that can lead to death. With the addition of ImmWave, Last Stand is a powerful lifesaver for calves critically ill with scours and malnutrition. The multi-faceted formulation also contains Encrypt, multiple targeted egg proteins, host-specific micro-encapsulated lactic acid producing bacteria, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D3 making Last Stand with ImmWave a wise choice in the battle to save every calf, improve productivity, and increase profitability. Last Stand w/ImmWave is recommended for use in beef and dairy calves suffering from scours and malnutrition. It comes in a convenient 60g, single dose tube, 12 per box. Simply admin