
3 Tips for Preparing Your Cows for Winter

3 Tips for Preparing Your Cows for Winter

Winter is just around the corner. For farmers, winter can be a time of relaxation, but it can also be a time of stress. Winter is hard on herd animals. Cows, especially, can be quite vulnerable to changing weather and winter conditions. When your cows get unhealthy, you may notice weight loss and a change in milk production that can affect you and your family for months. To prevent this, you'll want to keep your cows in peak condition. Here are 3 tips to protect your herd this winter. Tip #1: Schedule a Veterinary Visit Even if your herd seems...

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Helping Dogs Cope With Visitors to Your Home

Helping Dogs Cope With Visitors to Your Home

Dogs can have many different reactions to visitors, from excited piddling and jumping to fearful growling and anxiety to barking and aggression. Every dog owner should take steps to train their canine companion to react appropriately when guests arrive, and there are several ways to help dogs have better "company manners" when greeting guests. Socialization Is Essential Many dogs react poorly to visitors because they aren't used to being around strangers. Proper socialization and training from an early age – either from puppyhood or as soon as a dog is adopted – will help dogs learn how to behave around...

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Creating A Healthy Pasture

Creating A Healthy Pasture

You want your pastures to perform in top condition. A healthy pasture provides nourishing forage and comfortable home to your horses, cattle and other grazing animals. Using the right kind of seed will help meet the nutritional requirements for your livestock.  Step 1 A healthy pasture starts with healthy soil. Testing your soil can be daunting at first though not hard to do. Simple test kits can be purchased online or you can have your local extension office, ag. Office or a local college come and test the soil for you. Knowing the health and quality of your soil will...

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Gardening Fun in August

Gardening Fun in August

Gardeners may feel a little down as July turns into August.  Plants may look a little tired from the heat of July. For many, the summer days are rapidly turning into school days.  Don't despair! There's gardening fun in August. It's Not Just Maintenance Many gardeners may view August as a maintenance month because it's when they deadhead perennials and annuals remove worn-out annuals and vegetables stake tall plants before they flop over But deadheading means more blooms in the fall.  Removing worn out plants can make room for fall-friendly flowers and vegetables. (If you haven't started seedlings, do it...

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